yoga for life

just breathe

“The eight limb/path of Astānga Yogaḥ helps to open energy channels and starts the process of taking your energy up towards the attainment of Samādhiḥ which is where we find our consciousness centralised in the highest chakraḥ, the brahmāchakraḥ at the top of the head. Like a portal to our Divine Self, once this is open, our knowledge is connected into the Universal knowledge and hence we realise Truth.”

Divya Prabh


Meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts.


Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us.


The body is of utmost importance for our holistic health as it is here that the mental and spiritual realms reside.

Designer | Explorer | Astangi
I am an Italian designer, specialized in sustainability and eco-design. I am the owner and founder of Blusima wearable nature a clothing brand I made between Bali, London and Italy.
My love for classical studies, photography and arts led me to travel the world since teenager and – to collaborate today – with my family business Tourist Services, Italia.
I consider myself a full time practitioner of yoga and meditation,  I feel the duty to share what I have been studying in this years of search, with those who have a thirst to learn and evolve spiritually and consciously for a better lifestyle.

Astānga yoga

A life time practice

I am a dedicated Astānga Yoga practitioner under the lineage of Sri Krishnamacharya.
I started my journey in Aṣṭāṅga in 2012 in Bali by chance in a workshop with Anthony Carlisi and Denny Paradise.
I liked the practice right away so when I moved back to London for my designer job I was surprised to find that my house was right next to Hamish Hendry’s Dharma Shala which I consider my first teacher in this lineage. 
Since 2012 I have been practicing daily Astānga Yoga in a Mysore program with Hamish Hendry first and then in Los Angeles with Noah Williams, both of whom have received an Advanced Teaching Certification from Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, the Guru of Astanga Yoga, Mysore style.
In 2016 I moved back to India to study for 6/9 months a year and since then I have been practicing under the guidance of Guruji Sharath Jois in Mysore at KPJAYI and SYC, I also have followed his workshops and teaching in Himalaya, Europe, and UK, Thailand, and China. 
When I am not in Mysore I practice with Sharmila Desai seasonally – a certified teacher and author of the book Yoga Sadhana for mothers – delving into Aṣṭāṅga yoga with a female approach.
To continue making yoga accessible to everyone I offer chanting classes online every Saturday with my Teacher Lakshmisha Bath, astanga in-person at our Shala, and Retreats in Italy, Ibiza and India. 
Hare Om

One by One

Astanga Yoga Mysore

Simona Nucera
Every Monday till Saturday

7:00 to 10:00 AM


The Eight Limbs of Yogaḥ

Yogaḥ – is the practice of learning about your real Self and establishing a connection with

My Yoga Collection Blu Sima is made from Certified Organic Cotton and Bamboo, ensuing strict social and environmental standards.